What Can I Do?

Like many of you, we have been doing a great deal of self-reflection over the ongoing events and protests across America. The issues we face cannot be solved overnight, but we must keep questioning and keep challenging ourselves.

If you are interested, we’d like to continue to share our efforts and resources we come across with you.

Molly: My 10-year-old son Charlie and I drove to his doctor’s appointment today and we had that sanctuary of 25 minutes alone in the car together. There’s something about a drive that turns into a confessional of some sort. As we drove through DC, we passed by homemade yard signs and I asked Charlie if he knew what they meant. He said, ‘yeah, Black Lives Matter!’. I said, ‘Yeah!…but do you know what that means?’ We proceeded to have a long, thoughtful conversation clarifying details of recent events and about what exactly systemic bias and racism means. I spoke, he listened, he asked questions (!). When we arrived at his appointment, we watched this video on Systemic Racism Explained. I grew up in the Midwest, and we didn’t discuss these things. Is this an overnight victory? No. But talking with my children is one of many steps toward our future.

Haley: The Freedom Fighters in DC are accepting donations for items their protesters might need. Follow them on Instagram at @freedomfightersdc to see the most updated list of items they need and the best drop off location in the city (as this is all constantly changing!).

Madison: In honor of Breonna Taylor's birthday this coming Friday 5 June 2020, here are some concrete action items people can do to commemorate her life #BirthdayforBreonna Action Items. Here is a good NYT article about the details of her case.

Jaime: As the mother of young children, it’s hard to know how much they are able to even understand about what’s happening. My oldest son is 3 so one thing I feel like I can do to at least begin the conversation is to meet him at his level, which for us will include tuning in to The CNN and Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Families on Saturday morning (June 6 at 10:00 a.m. ET). I hope to learn and grow along with him.

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Meet Lexi!
In our latest installment of 20 Questions with MAA Person of the Week, I’m delighted to bring you… Lexi Schorr! Lexi has been on Team MAA since January 2019 and we are excited to share that she was recently promoted to the role of Associate. Congrats Lexi!

1. If you could buy any type of food (right now) what would you buy?
Chocolate chip cookies!

2. If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
I think I would like to be a corgi because they are small like me but look like they are smiling all the time and look so happy!

3. What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
I really want to travel to Bali.

4. Who is your favorite super hero and why?
Wonder Woman. Because she’s strong and powerful and a lady!

5. Who do you admire the most?
My mom.

6. What is your favorite summer activity?
It’s cliché, but probably going to the beach. I love a good beach day. With SPF 100, of course.

7. If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
A comedy with some good feel-good messages at the end. Emma Stone please!

8. If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?
Chocolate chip cookie dough and because it’s just really great when you get a good cookie dough surprise.

9. First job?
I was a camp counselor at a day camp for 5- and 6-year olds called Camp Rainbow. My first ‘real’ job was at the DCCC.

10. What is the worst job you could have?
Working for something I didn’t believe in or feel passionate about.

11. If you could get a yacht what would you call it?
“The Lexi-Lounger”

12. Are you a morning or a night person?

13. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
When I was in Thailand, it wasn’t one of those fried bugs, but it was some sort of fried part of a bug, I think it was the wing of something (I don’t recommend it).

14. What is your favorite thing about someone in your family?
My mom. She is always encouraging me to grow and learn and improve and she believes that it’s never to late for someone to change.

15. What is your favorite hobby?
Yoga and, most people don’t know this about me, but I’m actually a singer! (Her office mates can confirm that Lexi does enjoy to break into song ;-).

16. What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?
I grabbed a lot of random things when I left DC to go home to New York so I have a mini puzzle game, and some weird pens that I just threw in. 

17. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
I was Pebbles in college and I even had a Bam Bam with me.

18. What is your favorite pet’s name?
Luna, my Great Pyrenees!

19. What is your favorite T.V. show?
It’s a tie between the West Wing and Orange is the New Black.

20. Which of the presidents was your favorite?

BONUS: What is your favorite movie quote?

“I dedicate this, my last editorial, to an extraordinary woman who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes. By the time you read this, she'll be sailing to Europe, where I know she'll find new walls to break down and new ideas to replace them with. I've heard her called a quitter for leaving, an aimless wanderer. But not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition; beyond definition; beyond the image."

— Betty Warren (Kirsten Dunst), Mona Lisa Smile (2003)


We have used this blog to provide some levity, cheer and contact to our friends and colleagues during our Work From Home situation. The events of the past few days have encouraged all of us on team MAA to reflect, learn and take action. We are still trying to make sense of it all, but we found these words from President Obama on How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change to be helpful and grounding:

So the bottom line is this: if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make sure that we elect candidates who will act on reform. - President Barack Obama

You may have seen many of these websites flash on your social media, but we thought it would be helpful to compile links for you here.

Be well, be safe, and please consider taking a stand.

Resources for Conversations About Race with Children:

Bail Funds by State/City.

Useful, comprehensive list of ways to help right now.

Resources from the Obama Foundation.

Media to Consume:

  • Music. I Just Wanna Live.

  • Books

    • The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander

    • So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo

    • Between the World and Me - Ta-Nahisi Coates

    • How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi

  • TV

    • When They See Us (Netflix)

    • Dear White People (Netflix)

  • Movies

    • 13th (Netflix)

    • BlackKkKlansman (HBO, Hulu)

    • If Beale Street Could Talk (Hulu)

    • Detroit (Hulu)

  • Podcasts

    • Pod Save the People

    • Code Switch

    • 1619

Black-owned restaurants open for takeout in DC:

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A Change of Scenery (Sort Of)


Well, it was bound to happen. My kids have been fairly happy troopers through this, but as we enter week…12? (losing count), they are starting to lose it. Sports are cancelled and (spoiler) it turns out Zoom playdates sort of suck. Meanwhile, I don’t know about you all, but as a parent and homeowner, I’m going into hyper-nesting mode. We have a puppy on the way, a 15’ trampoline has been ordered, we are working on plans to build a backyard fort (a treehouse sans tree, in case you were wondering) and honestly, that’s only a sample of the various projects going on to entertain myself and my kids. We are itching to get out of town, but nervous about taking the plunge so instead, TO THE YARD!

Welcome to our backyard camping scene. We already have an obscene amount of gear thanks to my husband, but if you don’t, I recommend doing your part to keep the retail industry alive at my favorite gear destination, REI. The best part about backyard camping is you can bail at any point and there are clean, or cleaner, bathrooms. And, if not for any other reason, do it for the s’mores! Don’t have a grill or fireplace? Here’s a recipe for Indoor S’mores.

Next weekend we’ll be doing some real camping at Calvert Cliffs State Park. Apparently, real fossils can be found. I will report back…


Welcome Back, Jaime!

Jaime is easing her way back into the working world (baby Ellis, born March 24, is a champion sleeper, btw) so please don’t bombard her yet but we know you miss her, so here’s 20 Questions with MAA Person of the Week - Jaime Ritacco!


1.     Are you a dog person or a cat person (or neither)?

Dog! Easy. I’ve had a dog my whole life.

2.     If you could choose a name for yourself, what would it be?

I have two boys, but if I had a girl, I was going to name my daughter Lena. Both of my mom’s grandmothers were named Lena.

3.     If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Time travel

4.     If you could only eat one item for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


5.     If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?

iMessage, Amazon, Google Maps

6.     If you were the only human left on Earth, what would you do?

Search and recovery!

7.     What book are you reading now?

Nothing. I have a newborn (and a 3-year-old). The last book I read was Where the Crawdads Sing, which was excellent.

8.     What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?

Tennis and Serena but I also love Coco!

9.     What’s one item you can’t leave your house without?

My Palmer’s Coco Butter Chapstick

10.  What’s one item you want to own that you don’t?

Nintendo Switch – all our friends are playing Mario Kart with each other during quarantine and we tried to get one, but it’s totally sold out!

11.  What’s one song or artist that you’re embarrassed to admit you like?

I actually really like all the Frozen songs. But my son says I can’t sing so I’m not allowed to sing them.

12.  What’s one song you have completely memorized?

Forgot about Dre (requested and denied demo. See answer to #11).

13.  What’s one totally irrational fear that you have?

Falling off a cliff.

14.  What’s the first concert you ever went to?

My parents took my brother and I to see Steely Dan when I was a baby. Then my mom took me at 5 years old to see Bonnie Raitt. One of my first shows as a teenager had Maroon 5 opening before anyone knew who they were so that was always fun that we got to see them before they were big.

15.  What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Yosemite. We took a trip out west with our son and saw Zion National Park and it was amazing. Yosemite has been on our list since!

16.  What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

For a lot of people, chopped liver is weird but I love it. Or gefilte fish. One of those weird Jewish foods.

17.  What fictional place would you most like to visit?

The Island that Moana lives on looks pretty awesome.

18.  What’s your favorite TV show—the one you’re always watching on repeat?


19.  What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Bohemian Rhapsody.

20.  What’s your favorite place to eat around here?

We have this local place near our house called Moreland’s Tavern that’s really chill and family friendly. We love it.

Meet Jacob!

While you get ready to enjoy the long weekend, and goodness knows we all could use a day off, here’s a great link to remember what this weekend is about and here’s another one on how to share it with your kids. And of course, for the unofficial start of summer, here are some recipes. I usually wait for Flag Day to put up my bunting, but really, why wait? These babies are going up early this year!!


I stopped to do the math and realized MAA is in our 15th year! Wow - time flies! One of the things I love about what I do is getting to hire great people who are at the beginning of their careers. They typically come straight from college or a campaign, and MAA is often their first, or one of their first, office experiences. As you all know, networking is a big part of your career growth, relationships and friendships in DC. I know we will be back at it soon enough but for now, there is a whole generation of up and comers who cannot network right now. So, let me introduce you to my amazing team! I am blessed to have a great group working at MAA. They are motivated, hardworking and genuinely joyful about their work. What more could I ask for in these challenging times??

So, here is the first Friday installation of 20 Questions with MAA Person of the Week. I hope you’ll be open to taking their calls or emails when they reach out about the great work we are trying to do!

Jacob McIntosh - Director at MAA

  1. What is the one thing you cannot resist?

    Food. Or a good time!

  2. What is your greatest fear?

    Falling from a tall building.

  3. Where is your favorite place to be?

    With my family. Anywhere.

  4. Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

    Portland, OR because it’s like no other city I’ve been to and once you get outside of the city, I love how green, natural and beautiful it is.

  5. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

    I was the public address announcer for my college hockey team.

  6. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

    Mayor of Main Street USA at Disney World.

  7. Any favorite line from a movie?

    Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one.” – Up

  8. Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

    I have a ‘We the People’ tattoo on my left arm in the same font as the Constitution.

  9. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  10. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

    Art, particularly drawing and painting.

  11. What are 3 words you’d use to describe MAA?

    Fun, innovative creators!

  12. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

    Go to Disney World!

  13. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

    Cooking or playing a video game with my fiancé Kristy.

  14. What is something you learned in the last week?

    The importance of being able to show others how much you care, because it’s a lot harder right now and you have to put more effort into it.

  15. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

    Playing ice hockey – indoors or outdoors!

  16. What is the first concert you attended?

    A Bluegrass festival in Flagstaff, AZ when I was 16.

  17. What music is on your iPhone/Android phone?

    A lot of Dave Matthews Band, pop, rap and country.

  18. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

    Laundry! So luckily, Kristy does most of it.

  19. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

    Steve Jobs.

  20. How do you balance your career and family?

    With constant communication.

    BONUS: What do you miss most about being in the office?

    Being around people!

Same, Jacob! Same!!!!

We will leave you with this favorite clip of the week - a 1st grader’s joke booth. May you find your own joke booths this weekend and if not, make one happen!

Ice Cream & Puppies

Have you noticed that every 3rd person you talk to is bringing a new furry friend into their homes? Turns out this trend is very, very real. But truly, my kids are 10, 8 and 5 and, with all of us home, it couldn’t be a better time, sooo…. we are getting a puppy! 😬

Meet Labradoodle Annie and her litter. Annie brought these 4 boys and 3 girls into the world early Friday morning. I’m sure our loyal COAT readers are dying to keep up to speed on the details here so don’t worry, I’ll share more as soon as I can. We find that out sometime in June whether we are bringing home a boy or girl, and he/she will be moving to Kensington around July 11th. Send me name suggestions!

Here are some photos to tide you over:

Taking Care of Yourself

It’s crazy how COVID-19 is dividing us into various groups - the deniers, the angry, the obsessive-news readers, the list goes on. My neighborhood running group has now segmented into smaller groups of two or three so we can continue to run together by maintaining physical distance. The looks (and sometimes comments) we get from pedestrians that we pass are, at times, laughable because it seems so ridiculous and other times, enraging, because we know we are following CDC guidelines, yet that hasn’t stopped perfect strangers from casting their judgment. I’m trying to move on ( yet clearly, dwelling…) but the bottom line is I do miss the times of friendlier nods or ‘good morning!’ as we pass others. 

It’s certainly clear to me that whatever category you fall in, we could all benefit from checking in on the state of our mental health. I agree with much of this article, so I’m going to give you the highlights:

  • Stay informed—but don’t obsessively check the news

  • Focus on the things you can control

  • Stay connected—even when physically isolated

  • Take care of your body and spirit

  • Help others (it will make you feel better)

I also recently turned to my college friend and sorority sister Licenced Psychologist Regan Mayo, PhD when I asked her for advice that we could post here for someone looking for a therapist but unsure of where to start. Here’s what Regan shared:

Psychology Today is a great website for finding a therapist. I suggest reading the blurb and seeing how you feel about what the therapist has to say about their approach. Their site also provides information on specialties, years of experience, theoretical approach and if the therapist is in-network for any of the various insurance plans. You can search the site for particular insurance providers, by location etc. It is safe to assume most therapists are now doing teletherapy but I recommend clarifying if they conduct therapy by phone or video. Also, it’s common practice to call and ask for brief phone conversation to get a sense of the therapist before starting. If you do this, plan to have a couple of questions ready to ask. I suggest giving it 3 sessions to really decide how you feel about your therapist and therapy generally. I don’t recommend Talkspace or any of those newer sites that were doing teletherapy before we all had to. In-person is really best but teletherapy is what we have until we are past the pandemic.”

Creating New Games

We are now finishing up week 9 in quarantine and boredom is likely setting in. I have been battling this foe through this time and keeping it at bay with a fairly sizeable board game collection. I invested in the classics - Clue, Jenga, a good game of cards. However, over time I have found myself beginning to bore with these old favorites. I even allowed my girlfriend to teach me how to play Canasta in order to try and bring in new activities. Although an interesting game, it is my opinion that it is merely an over complicated version of Gin Rummy. One tip from MAA is to break out of this monotony by taking matters into your own hands. The Gaynor household has begun to abandon the premade games of the past and look to the future. That future is homemade games. Here are two ideas that are fun for the whole family:

Pin the Tail on the Donkey - You do not need much for this game! Just a couple pieces of paper and some tape. It is a great blast from the past and interesting test of your balance. I even enjoyed it despite having truly no skill in the game. Feel free to mix up this game with a theme. See the below picture for inspiration!

Homemade Guess Who - Did the game of ‘Guess Who’ ever strike you as odd? How can you figure out who it is when all of these characters are strangers to you! Well, worry no longer! With a homemade game of Guess Who, you can populate the board with familiar characters including Jim Costa or even Molly Allen! ~ Isaac


Recipe of the Week: Homemade Ice Cream

The New York Times had an article last week titled “Making Ice Cream in a Jar” - naturally, we had to try it. We don’t have an ice cream maker at home, and it said all you really need is a mason jar and strong forearms, so we went for it! And it came out pretty good! Here’s the recipe if you want to try it for yourself:


1 Cup Heavy Cream
1 ½ tablespoons of granulated sugar
1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt


Pour cream, sugar, vanilla, salt into a mason jar and screw on lid tightly

Shake until the cream thickens & almost doubles in size, about 5-10 minutes. You’ll know you’re done when the mixture doubles in volume and is about the consistency of brownie batter

Freeze for at least 3 hours.

PRO TIP - before shaking, add some fun toppings (i.e. chocolate chips, crushed up candy bars, berries, nuts)

Enjoy!! - Lexi 

GOAT RIOT: The Sequel

As the DMV and governors across the country look at rolling out reopening, we at MAA remain in the cautious camp. As rules relax, please don’t put yourself in harm's way. We miss you, we really do, but we’d like to play things safe. Hence, our dear goat friends provide a scary example of what not to do when we are allowed out of our houses again.

Setting up your Home Office (for a longer stay)

Since we started working from home, I’ve been overwhelmed at times by my new workflow. Like all of you, I’m now tied to Zoom and Teams all day, which has been excellent for communication both internally and externally. I also have to adhere to my calendar more than I ever have in my professional life. At least some good skills are coming from all this!

At first, it didn’t seem necessary to do too much to my space since “surely” we would be back in the office in 2, then 4, then 6 weeks… and then I stopped focusing so much on ‘when we get back’ and more on the reality of what we are now doing. I’ve decided that prioritizing my set up is important for both my comfort and productivity. It also just feels good to exert some control on my current existence. (Boom! Points for Mental Health wellness!)


So when my cute, non-ergonomic flamingo chair gave me chronic back pain since it isn’t meant for 8-10 hour days, I drove into my office to swap it out for my real chair. Other upgrades include a stand for my laptop (approximately $15 on Amazon) and bringing in my 2nd monitor from the office. I’m working on getting a few more amenities in place and looking for a storage cart and/or shelf unit so let me know if you have any ideas. Lastly, I really need both light and color. Not every workspace has great window options, so maybe you can add a lush poster or photographs or hang some paintings on the wall. If you are looking for affordable art, here are some artists that I follow on Instagram who have some beautiful prints: Juliet Meeks and Helen Dealtry.

As you work on your own 2.0 set up, this Home Office Gear Guide is chock full of great tips on tech to acquire. And even though this article is from early March (note the coffee shop reference!! weird…), it still includes some really good strategies on how to work from home without losing your mind.

~ Molly

New Pet Owners Seeking Help! As I’m sure most of you know by now (because I never stop talking about him), we adopted our dog Shorts 2 months ago. All things considered he is a great dog but we’re having major issues with crate training. He’ll sleep in his crate through the night but when we try and put him in there to leave during the day (just to even step outside) he loses his mind with the barking. We thought maybe we could leave him out of his crate but he jumped on top of the book shelf to get to the window and now we’re worried he’s going to hurt himself. We have tried everything! We give him calming treats, we cover his crate, he gets all his meals in his crates, he’s got toys in there, we give him a frozen kong before we leave and the barking does not stop. That being said, is there something that worked for you that we haven’t tried? We’re also thinking about doing virtual dog training, does anyone have any thoughts/ideas/reccs for places they’ve used in DC? We would love to figure this out before we go back to work because we are worried about the noise upsetting our poor neighbors. Please email me because I’d love to hear your ideas! Thank you in advance!

~ Haley

Local News

RIP Momofuku. We made some wonderful memories with you and you’ll be missed! :-(

Madison’s Perfect Day

Morning: Wake up at a reasonable hour, grab a latte and the breakfast sandwich from Slipstream (seriously the best breakfast sandwich I’ve ever had). Scooter to the Botanical Gardens for the plants, yes, but mostly for the A+ people-watching. 

Late Morning: The plants gave me some medicine for the soul, now I’m ready for some medicine for the mind! Depending on my mood I either head West towards the Wharf and browse the new releases at Politics & Prose or I head East towards Eastern Market and pick up a classic from Capitol Hill Books

Afternoon: Ok, now I’m hungry. I head back to Navy Yard for a slice of pizza and a frozen negroni from Nicoletta. And then another round...this is my perfect day, who’s counting!? With some food and alcohol in my belly I’m ready to do absolutely nothing! Time to camp out next to the water and read my book. Before heading home I pick up a pint from Ice Cream Jubilee for later - I think I’ll go with the Banana Bourbon Caramel.

Evening: I head home to relax, do some quick restorative yoga, and shower. Then I’m ready to hit the town again! My boyfriend and I metro up to U street and stop at El Rey for some tacos and margaritas. Yum! Ideally there’s a show at 9:30 Club to check out (fingers crossed we’re back to normal by August 7th so that I can see Weyes Blood). 

We finish the day at home. We sip on wine spritzers (with wine supplied by Grape Intentions), share a bowl of the ice cream I bought earlier, and watch an episode or two of Veep. What a day!   

Heyy You Guys!!!

Did anyone else watch The Electric Company as a kid? That shout “Hey You Guys!!!” was not originated by “The Goonies” but by Rita Moreno on the coolest kids’ show in the ‘70s and it just popped in my head this morning so I decided to look it up.

For other parents out there completely losing your mind about the amount of screen time your kids are getting, I personally feel ok (day by day) that, for the most part, our kids are going to be fine. I mean, this situation sucks, but let’s face it - I think I turned out o.k. and I basically watched this show, She-Ra and Thundercats and ate an entire bag of Cheetos after school most days. Well, maybe everyday. It was the ‘80s, people. Parenting wasn’t exactly hands-on. So, high-five your spouse or partner because you’re doing GREAT!!

Here’s some nostalgia for my age bracket and so others can check out the original education by screen (other than Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers). By the way, did you know you can watch Mr. Rogers on Amazon Prime and PBS Kids? I might make this required viewing for mine. Oh, the irony…

For our younger and young-at-heart readers, you must check out MAA’s favorite DC band, White Ford Bronco, and their YouTube Power Hour from May 8. Play it in the background while you work today and enjoy!

Maren (age 5, Kindergarten) getting ready for PJ day on Zoom with her class.

Maren (age 5, Kindergarten) getting ready for PJ day on Zoom with her class.

Let It Be

On this day in 1970, The Beatles released their “Let It Be” album. How do I know that, you ask? Google, of course. It popped up while searching for some material to keep you all entertained this weekend. Yes, the same Google you’ll use in a panic to find a florist who will deliver flowers overnight for Mother’s Day. Which, lest you’ve forgotten since Tuesday’s blog is Sunday. Yes, this Sunday, May 10. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Like always. You’re welcome. 

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the weekend….again... and you have two days to get your s*** together and prep for an epic Sunday brunch. Since we all need some inspiration from time to time, here are team MAA’s brunch favs. So, put the bubbly on ice, break out the OJ and get to work whipping up something special. 

Molly: Frittata - I like this recipe but make the following tweaks: roast sweet potato with olive oil for 30ish minutes at 425 in a glass baking dish. Then add the other ingredients from this recipe and bake for 25 minutes or until puffed. Clean up is much easier!

Hannah: Upgrade your flapjack game and make this Apple Dutch Baby.

Haley: Homemade cinnamon rolls. Duh.

Isaac: French Toast with butter and powdered sugar.

Rebecca: Sausage and Cheese English Muffins!

Lexi: My special avocado toast - mash avocado on a piece of rye toast, sprinkle some goat cheese, drizzle some balsamic glaze, and top it off with a dash of everything but the bagel seasoning from TJs.

Madison: Gluten-free Ham & Cheese Quiche. Haven’t made it, but I saw it on instagram and it looks bomb.

In honor of Mom’s everywhere, here are pictures of our wonderful mothers. Can you guess whose is whose? Read to the bottom to get the answers.

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lexis mom.png
molly mom.jpg
haley mom.jpg
madisons mom.png
isaacs mom.jpg

Tuesday, May 5 was ‘Giving Tuesday’. If you missed the memo, no worries. Here are some DMV organizations that are working to support those in need during this pandemic: 

N Street Village: You can help from the comfort of your couch by purchasing items on their ‘Amazon Wish List’

Purchase a meal for a first responder in DC! Eco Caters, a favorite of team MAA, has partnered with Washington Capitals #21 Garnet Hathaway. 

The Table DC: If you’re healthy and able, put Netflix on pause, and get out into the community to offer help for those who are at risk and unable to leave their homes. 

Capital Area Food Bank: Every $1 buys 2.5 meals for those in need and are experiencing food insecurity during this crisis. 

Now back to dreaming about our pre-COVID lives… here’s Isaac’s perfect day in DC:

I wake up and somehow manage to prevent myself from checking Twitter. I then get myself up and take a leisurely jog in Meridian Hill Park. On my way back, I pop into Tryst for a fresh smoothie. I then walk back to my apartment taking a second to enjoy the beautiful smells coming out of Federalist Pig (Seriously, if you have not eaten here you need to check it out!) I then go home and take in the views of Adams Morgan. 

After a short relax at home and some take out from the aforementioned Federalist Pig, I head down 14th Street, window shopping a little and meet some friends for a beer and a pretzel at Dacha Beer Garden. After a couple delicious beers, I would likely uber back to my own apartment as my stomach would be too full of delicious beer and pretzel to walk. I then take a short nap and clean up for a night out in DC! 

Finally the time has arrived for me to leave my apartment. My girlfriend and I head to Black Whiskey for a pre-dinner cocktail and to strategize our attack plan for the night! We then move back up 14th Street for a delicious meal at Ghibellina (I am obsessed with their giant pizza scissors!) I have now officially eaten too much for one day, but the night must continue. We somehow remove ourselves from our booth and head down to Kingfisher for a couple beers with some friends (if you had eaten less that evening, you could also indulge in the free popcorn they serve). After a truly indulgent day, we decide to head to one of our favorite haunts known affectionately as ‘Bar Isaac’ for a nightcap (our choices are usually a Negroni for me and a glass of red wine for my girlfriend). 

That’s all from us for now. Cheers to the weekend! We can’t wait to hear about your Sunday brunch spreads. 

(Answers: 1. Hannah’s mom, Kathryn; 2. Lexi’s mom, Karyn 3. Molly’s mom, Pam 4. Haley’s mom, Traci 5. Madison’s mom, Adriane 6. Isaac’s mum, Allison 7. Rebecca’s mom, Elizabeth 
8. Jacob’s mom, Nancy aka “Mamma Mac”)

Mother's Day

T-Minus 5 days… oh sugar! It’s almost Mother’s Day! We know it’s tough to keep track of what day it is so let us help you NOT SCREW THIS UP. Here are our recommendations of creative, quick, and resident-mom favorites.

First, we encourage you to shop local! You might not have enough time to get orders shipped and it’s a great way to give back to our communities.

  • Fiola Mare - Order dinner for two, cocktails, gift baskets, flowers - Oh my! (Let me know if anyone needs my husband’s email address)

  • HUNGRY@home - one of our favorite caterers is now accepting Mother's Day brunch orders.

  • Corcoran Caterers - Another fun food delivery option! Corcoran has weekly rotating menus and they have some special options for Mother’s Day plus family meal kits.

  • Red Orchard - this lovely boutique in Bethesda does local delivery and has some fun curated gift baskets. Caroline, the owner, will even customize your order with you!

  • SW7 - This cute shop in Kensington, MD will also work with you to customize a gift order. They have lovely textiles, body butter and cocktail supplies.

  • Palace Florists - Serving the DMV for 75 years, this mom is keeping her business going with help from her daughters.

  • Helen Olivia - This Alexandria florist is also doing deliveries on Saturday and Sunday as well as pick up orders.

  • Teach your kids how to do laundry! See below for photo evidence that it is possible.

If your mom is outside of the DMV, remember that tool called ‘GOOGLE’ and search for local restaurants doing e-cards and florists nearby your mama!

And finally, Jaime sends this from maternity leave: “What more could any mother ask for?” How about a massage and 5 minutes alone?😋

8-year-old boy doing laundry. This image has not been altered in any way.

8-year-old boy doing laundry. This image has not been altered in any way.


Zoom fatigue is a real thing. Seriously. And now that we are all becoming seasoned Zoom users, we at MAA want to promote the importance of the Virtual Background. Two key factors here: 1) Privacy and 2) Flair! This is an opportunity to let your personality SHINE! Don’t squander it. ;-)

First, PRIVACY. Let’s face it, we don’t all have glorious home offices that are perfectly appointed, decorated and well-lit. Instead, we are often in bedrooms and basements. It’s fine for our friends or parents, but perhaps you don’t want your C-Suite exec viewing your personal space or worse - a Member of Congress? When it comes to flair, why not show off your personality a bit? Here are links to our favorite Zoom backgrounds! (Of course, if you are looking for a sterile, professional background, we recommend these options). 

Molly: Den of Geek: Marvel, DC Comics, Simpsons. I’ve also dropped some vacation pics into my background. Nostalgic and hopeful for better times.

Hannah: Enviable interiors courtesy of Anthropologie.

Jacob: Who would've guessed it would be a classic Disney backdrop? The Circle of Life, indeed!

Haley: Love Island Confessional Room because I don’t even want to admit the amount of time I have spent watching this show.

Lexi: Dogs. Just so many dogs. AKA Wags with Swags.

Madison: The Annie Liebovitz photoshoot of the 2020 female presidential candidates.

Isaac: The Office conference room. A place for hot takes and working.

Rebecca: Transport yourself to Schitt’s Creek!

Are you Zoom-challenged? Here are the step-by-step instructions to install your virtual background.

Hannah’s Day in DC:

Morning: Like so many others, we hopped on the Peloton bandwagon last Fall. Start the day with Emma Lovewell’s 20 Minute Listening Party cycling class (great way to be introduced to some new music while you ride) followed by 30 minute body weight strength. If you don’t have a bike at home, the Peloton app has many bike-free options including running and yoga. You can try the app free for 30 days.

Afternoon: Head down to Union Market. My husband and I met in the loading dock during a concert, so we often venture there to pay our respects and pick up some produce and fresh pasta. Our favorites include Harvey’s Butcher, The Creamery and Al Volo. Union Market offers a grocery delivery service, so you can get your favorite items straight to your home. Many of the Market’s vendors are also open for takeout. 

Evening: My husband and I are the King and Queen of buying groceries, but then deciding to eat out anyways. All that fresh produce will last, right?!  So we head to Zeppelin on 9th Street for some sushi. Our favourite dishes include the Crudo and Negitoro Roll. 

We finish the evening with an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm and a Boulevardier, one of the signature cocktails served at our wedding. We’ve had some time to perfect our bartending skills and neighborhood spot, Bassins MacArthur offers curbside pick up to ensure we always have what we need. They’ll deliver locally too! 

Happy Tuesday, friends! We’ll leave you with the MAA Quarantine Playlist. Pop in some earbuds and go for a walk around the neighborhood. We dare you not to smile!

Rabbit Rabbit!

Rabbit Rabbit & TGIF! In preparation for another exciting weekend at home, we thought we’d share some recipes to make for Cinco-de-Mayo. We will take any excuse to whip up some guacamole and margaritas! If going to the grocery store and cooking seems daunting, no worries--we’ve included some local spots to support as well!

We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t put a plug in for our clients - did you know the Future Forum PAC is doing a Decades Trivia Night? Also, Scott Peters, Anthony Brindisi, Dan Kildee and Annie Kuster all have virtual events next week. Check them out here!

But first--with any good meal, you need a show to accompany it. Enjoy this “Ladies Who Lunch” serenade by a true world class trio: Meryl Streep, Audra McDonald, and Christine Baranski.

Restaurants You Can Support 

Taqueria Habanero

Chef Geoff’s Pop-Up Kitchen has Popped at the Coast

El Bebe

Bandit Taco

Queso - Tex-Mex Style! 

Who doesn’t love a good cheese dip. This is a Tex-Mex style queso and is super easy-- you can do in less than half an hour! - Rebecca


  • 1 32 oz pack of Velveeta Original Cheese

  • 1 8 oz block of cream cheese

  • 1 roll (16 oz) of spicy pork sausage (I usually go for Jimmy Dean)

  • Half an onion

  • 1 can of hot rotel diced tomatoes 

  • 1 can of black beans 

  • Corn (frozen or canned)

  • Cilantro (optional)

  • Tortilla Chips


  1. Dice your onion.

  2. Brown the sausage in a skillet with the onion.

  3. Cut the Velveeta into a couple blocks. Melt the Velveeta and cream cheese in a heavy based pan, stirring frequently. 

  4. Once melted, add in the sausage, mix in the canned tomatoes, black beans, and corn.

  5. Top it off with some cilantro and dig in with tortilla chips!

*Note if you have an instant pot, you can do this all in one! Just brown the sausage with the onions on “ sauté” and add in the Rotel tomatoes . Then add your Velveeta and cream cheese in and cook on manual high pressure for 4 minutes. Once you open the pot, combine black beans and corn and stir well.


Easy Margarita 

This is a favorite of mine because you can usually make it with things you’ve already got around the house - Rebecca

  • A shot(ish) of tequila

  • Half a shot(ish) of lime juice

  • Little bit of agave or simple syrup (I just mix sugar and water in a container and shake it until the sugar dissolves) 

  • Mix it all with ice and then add a little sparkling water

The Secret Chipotle Guacamole Recipe brought to you by a former Chipotle employee

Full disclosure, I only know this recipe in large batches, so I’m not entirely sure of the measurements. Use your best judgement based on how much you’re making, and taste as you go. - Madison


  • Avocados

  • Cilantro

  • Red Onion

  • Jalapeño 

  • Salt

  • Citrus juice (mix of lemon and lime, but just lime works too)


  • Dice the red onion and jalapeño. Chop up the cilantro. 

  • In a bowl, mash up the avocados with a fork or a potato masher. Make sure there are no large chunks. Add in the onion, cilantro, and jalapeño and mix well.

  • Add in the salt and citrus juice to taste and mix.

  • Serve with chips or on its own with a spoon (no judgements here)!

  • PRO TIP: if your guac starts to brown, simply add more citrus juice and stir it up. 

Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas

This recipe is a winner for my family - not too spicy for the kids, legitimately quick to put together, and easy clean up - especially if you line that cookie sheet with foil!


  • 1 tablespoon chili powder

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 

  • 1 pound baby bell peppers (12 to 15 peppers), halved, stemmed and seeded 

  • 1 large yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced

  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast

  • Juice of 1 lime, plus lime wedges, for serving

  • 8 fajita-size flour tortillas, warmed

  • Shredded Monterey Jack cheese, guacamole, hot sauce, salsa and sour cream, for serving


  1. Preheat the broiler to high. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil.

  2. Combine the chili powder, 2 teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon pepper in a small bowl. Put the peppers and onions on the prepared baking sheet, drizzle with 1 tablespoon of the oil and season with half the chili powder mixture. Broil until softened and starting to char, about 10 minutes. 

  3. Meanwhile, cut the chicken into 1/4-inch-thick slices and toss in a large bowl with the remaining chile powder mixture and 1 tablespoon oil. 

  4. After the peppers are softened and starting to char, about 10 minutes, scatter the chicken on top of the peppers and onions and return the baking sheet to the broiler until the chicken is cooked through and starting to brown, about 5 minutes more. Drizzle with the lime juice.

  5. Serve with the warmed tortillas, Monterey Jack cheese, guacamole, hot sauce, salsa, sour cream and lime wedges.

First Post-Quarantine Day Back on the Town: Rebecca’s Ideal Day 

9am - Start my day off with an OrangeTheory class on 14th Street. 
11am - Reward myself with All Purpose in Shaw for brunch--they have a great bottomless deal. I am a fan of the Aperol spritz, fried mozzarella, and the Sedgewick pizza.
1pm - Stroll down 14th Street for some shopping. Salt and Sundry is my favorite and you can support them now with online orders!
3pm - Grab a late afternoon bite and beer at Garden District. I usually go for the Brisket sandwich with a sour beer. 
4pm - Then time to decompress on my couch and watch some TV (currently binging the Sopranos). 
8pm - I’m back down 14th Street for dinner at my favorite restaurant Lupo Verde.  I always go with the Burrata and crispy artichoke to start and Cacio e Pepe for dinner. While some would argue for wine, I prefer the “Peppino'' cocktail (Gin, Limoncella, lemon, and Prosecco). Top it off with an after dinner stop next door at  Ice Cream Jubilee
10pm - Take an Uber to Georgetown to end the night at a classic -- Georgetown Piano Bar

See you next time —Rebecca

Can MAA Have This Dance?

Obviously, we understand you came here to learn how to throw your own prom! And don’t worry, we will tell you all the details! But first, we have an exciting announcement. MAA’s client events are coming back online! We have launched a series of virtual events for a number of our clients and we would love for you to join us. The following clients have virtual events coming up in the next week:

Rep. Anthony Brindisi (June 23rd Primary & Frontline)
Rep. Dan Kildee
Rep. Annie Kuster
Rep. Scott Peters
Rep. Kurt Schrader (May 19th Primary)
Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (June 2nd Primary & Frontline)
Please click here to view the details for each client’s upcoming events!

Now to Prom!

Another weekend has come and gone… How did you spend it? Another game night? Another movie marathon? Here at MAA we miss being able to spice up your evenings with amazing entertainment. So we decided not to let the quarantine stop us! What has been missing in your weekend nights? Excitement, intrigue, fancy dresses… Well we have decided to plan a night that can deliver it all. Here is MAA’s guide to a quarantine prom! Can MAA have this dance?

STEP 1 - Dress to Impress!

We have all been enjoying elastic waist bands these last few weeks. The thrill of having leggings on during a professional Zoom call is one we have all experienced. But here at MAA we think it is time to dust off that dress, take out those dancing shoes and show your cat how good you can look!

STEP 2 - Make a corsage

Now this step may require some ingenuity! In preparation for creating this guide, I watched all the important movies about prom: Pretty in Pink, Grease, Carrie, and I learnt the importance of the corsage. If you feel like patronizing local business, Blue Ribbon Floral truck is doing contactless delivery! Here is a picture of the AMAZING bouquet of flowers that Haley received this weekend:


If you do not have flowers, feel free to get creative. In our house, we opted for an option that not only looks good, but also tastes good. Feel free to join us with our basil corsage!


STEP 3 - Find a Photographer

Having put more effort into getting dressed than you have since Bernie Sanders was the frontrunner, you are going to want to document your look! We at MAA understand that options are limited as you certainly cannot hire someone to come over. But don’t let it stop you. Anyone can act as a photographer! Get your children involved or even a pet. We hired our roommate Posy Pants Gaynor to do the photos and although she was a little catty at first, she turned out to be a fur-midible photographer.


STEP 4: Enjoy!

You have put in the work, now enjoy the fruits of your labor. Put on “Come on Eileen” and dance the night away! Now that we are all older, you can even enjoy a cocktail or two. We promise not to tell the chaperones!


In the spirit of quarantine prom, we thought we would share some of our staff’s photos from their actual prom!


Even after you recreate the best night of your life, you may still be missing outside life. You are not alone. Have you found yourself dreaming about your first night back after quarantine? We at MAA are also feeling the sting of not being able to patron our favorite haunts. So we have decided to launch our first repeat section in which one member of the team will describe their plan for their first night back on the town! If you like any of our choices, feel free to click on them to learn more about how to support that local business! Our first contributor will be Jacob. Those who know Jacob, know him for his impeccable style and taste. Jacob had a quarantine beard before he even knew about the quarantine! Over to Jacob - 

7am - wake up, go for a run on Kingman and Heritage Island

9am - As my stomach growls and my calves burn, I order the extra large breakfast burrito from Burrito Brothers (cap hill). Egg, cheese, potatoes, bell peppers and spinach. And I grab a bunch of green salsas and pico de Gallo on the way out. On my perfect day, I save room for a Bullfrog Bagel sandwich from their Eastern Market shop. Since I’m here, I may as well grab a lemonade from a street vendor and browse the market for art and fresh produce.

1pm - after coming home with too many groceries for two people, my fiancé and I jump in an Uber to Nooshi (Eastern Market) for some tofu fries, vegetarian sushi, and noodles. This day will be carb-heavy.

3pm - I’m home and throwing something on Netflix that I don’t mind taking a nap during, and that nap is fantastic. Just what you need after a workout and carb loaded breakfast/lunch

5pm - After resting up and a shower, my fiancé and I are ready to hit a few bars before dinner. We stop by the neighborhood favorite Trusty’s, grab an old fashion from Barrel, and grab an Uber to City Center. 

7pm - Dinner at Momofuku CCDC. The bing bread and spreads, the spicy cucumbers, the vegetarian pasta and veggie medley, give me all of it. Someone is going to have to roll me home, but not before we eat dessert from Milk Bar that is conveniently served in Momofuku. (Get the classic birthday cake slice or a whole cake and thank me later).

9pm - Uber back home and enjoy a nightcap. I’d recommend checking out Schneider’s sales/specials as you can find some good spirits for a great deal. My go to is the same as “The Dudes”, a White Russian that is sweet enough to also constitute a second dessert. And boy, do we all deserve that right now. 

We hope you enjoyed our blog!


MAA Quarantine Draft

Welcome back! Yesterday was day 1 of the 2020 NFL draft, which is being held in a completely virtual format for the first time ever. Draft prospects will be shown in their living rooms via remote cameras and the commissioner will announce selections from his basement. To go along with the first ever DFH (Draft From Home), we thought we would start our very own *first ever* MAA Quarantine Draft! Included below are each of our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th picks for an ideal quarantine night at home. Let us know your top picks too!

MAA First Round Picks: Movies

  • Haley: Heathers. A timeless classic. The original Mean Girls. 

  • Molly: Dave. The nicest fake president there ever was and a throwback to DC with no security.

  • Madison: Almost Famous. Mostly because the soundtrack is so good.

  • Isaac: Win, Win. Uplifting movie with Paul Giamatti. Very funny!

  • Lexi: Spotlight. Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams - what more do you need??

  • Hannah: Bridget Jones’ Diary - a reminder you don’t need to have it together all the time.

  • Rebecca: Sound of Music. Can’t go wrong with this classic.

  • Jacob: Coco. The music, the stunning visuals, the story. “Remember Me”

MAA Second Round Picks: Board Games

  • Haley: Bananagrams.

  • Molly: No Stress Chess - a great way for beginners to learn if you’ve never played (me!) and truly all ages. My 10 year old still beats me but at least I know what the rules are now.

  • Madison: Just One - my family is really into board games and this is one of our new favorites.

  • Isaac: Articulate

  • Rebecca: Rummikub

  • Lexi: Clue

  • Hannah: Guess Who

  • Jacob: Camel Up - Please join me for a day at the race track as we bet on which camel will win today’s race!

Camel Up Game Board

Camel Up Game Board

MAA Third Round Picks: Movie Snack

  • Madison: chocolate covered raisins or peanuts

  • Isaac: Popcorn. Classic for a reason!

  • Lexi: Give me all the chocolate chip cookies you can find

  • Molly: Popcorn but — we are snobs — get yourself a Whirley Pop (h/t to MAA alumni Todd Brooks for secret Santa-ing this to me!) and layer it with salt and about a half of stick of melted butter. You’ll never return to microwave.

  • Haley: Goobers

  • Rebecca: Chips and Queso

  • Hannah: Sour patch kids

  • Jacob: Large Cherry Icee 

MAA Fourth Round Picks: Drink 

  • Madison: margarita

  • Haley: red wine

  • Lexi: Pinot Grigio

  • Isaac: Negroni (For more instructions, over to Stanley Tucci.)

  • Hannah: Milkshake (that counts, right?)

  • Rebecca: Aperol Spritz

  • Molly: A nice dry French rosé. It’s amazing how well it pairs with ANYTHING these days.

  • Jacob: Real, homemade lemonade

And in other news...

ICYMI: Jimmy Fallon’s opening monologue was excellent last night, including his #QuarantineQuotes. Too many good ones to choose from, but our favorite is below.

Dreaming of traveling this summer? Check out this article in the Washington Post as you consider your plans.

One of our favorite caterers in the city, EcoCaterers, has partnered with Washington Capitals #21, Garnet Hathaway, to help provide meals for local first responders and health care workers.

Check out this lovely guided meditation from The New York Times. And make sure you have your volume up to hear the incredibly relaxing sounds! (think - birds chirping and some nice chimes)

And lastly, did you binge watch “Love is Blind” on Netflix like the rest of us? Then get excited because “DC is Blind” is here! Watch all the drama unfold in season 3 on the Facebook page here. One of the MAA team members even has a good friend on the show!

That’s all for today! Enjoy the weekend - we’ll see you on Tuesday!



The Life of Pets

Happy Tuesday to all our readers! In some delicious news, Le Diplomate is reopening starting Wednesday April 22 for delivery and curbside pick-up. Menus here.

It’s so weird, we started writing our blog as usual and then all of our pets demanded we let them write some sections? It was crazy. So anyway, here’s the MAA Blog, written by our favorite furry friends <3

IMG_4539 (1).jpg

aloha! down here! for those of you who don't know me, i am shorts. even though you should by now. i believe i am very cute. or so my mom and dad say. i have lots of energy and everyone is my friend because i make them be my friend. wait where was i? oh yeah i'm shorts. my mom and dad adopted me from hawaii about a month ago. HAWAII. do you know where that is? well i dont but i do know i was on the plane for a very long time. except i didn't cry or bark at all because i am a very good boy.

anyway. so ya now im in dc and i think maybe i will run for office one day. I have lots of ideas about how to improve this nation. i will probably win because my mom and dad tell me i am the very goodest dog and everyone loves me. ok but that's for another day.

anyway. all day long my mom and dad work and it is VERY annoying. they will pet me every so often but honestly i deserve at least two hands on me at all times. i also have very good ideas for their work but they do not listen to me?? oh well. today i am going to bark at every single person who walks by so they know that i am a very smart dog. maybe then they'll listen.

anyway. i am slowly learning that when the humans leave the house they always seem to return? it is a very new concept to me. usually i cry. but i think maybe one day i will stop.

anyway. this was exhausting. i am going to go lay in the sun because i deserve it.


Home Haircut by Posy Pants Gaynor


I believe it was a caturday. It is hard to know days of the week now with human #1 and human #2 always being home these days. I was inspecting the apartment, as is my custom in the morning, to see if there were any intruders I needed to hiss at, when I heard a commotion in the other room. I ran in to see how I could help and I saw human #1 attacking human #2 with a pair of scissors. Human #2 looked very silly, in my humble opinion. 

I jumped up on my back paws to alert human #2 of the attack but he seemed preoccupied with the glass box where the other cat lives. After a good look at the situation it seemed to me that human #2 was not upset by the attack so I decided to take a nap as I had been up for a full 30 minutes at this point and was feeling tired from all the activity. When I awoke, both humans seemed to be meowing to each other in their dulcet tones that I can never understand. They both need to learn how to project from the throat so that their meows carry better. I looked up and human #2 was gone. He had been replaced by a hairless human. Who was this new man? He seemed familiar and yet totally different. I looked at human #1 to see if she had also noticed the intruder but she seemed to not notice. 

I decided the only course of action was to run back and forth from room to room so that human #1 understood the urgency of the situation. But then suddenly, through the window I saw a bird! This required immediate attention. I will have to deal with the hairless human later. After staring at the bird for a while, I decided to take another nap. What a caturday it has been. PS see below for the pics from the events! I think they tried to follow Molly’s instructions but i’m not sure what happened……


pasted image 0 (1).png

Hello. Franklin Ritacco here, reporting from my couch spot. I like to split my time between here and my Mom-and-Dad’s-bed spot. Really helps the day go by to get a change of scenery and break up my tedious schedule of napping, barking at innocent passersby outside and unabashedly begging for food. Mom and Dad have been around a lot more lately, along with my small human brother who honestly, I try to work with but he still hasn’t mastered the concept of “fetch.” Guess that just comes with more experience. Also, as you may know, there is a new, much smaller human who started about a month ago who I think Mom and Dad got for me. I keep close watch over him to make sure he’s settling in OK. Mom and Dad have been a little off recently (yesterday morning they couldn’t remember if I had already eaten so I got TWO breakfasts! Suckers.) so I’m doing my part to cheer them up by providing velvety soft ears and extra long belly to rub. It’s hard work but Mom slipped me some bacon the other day and small human finally gave me pets without hurting me so I think I’m doing a goodboy job. Shout-out to all the other goodboys and goodgirls who are doing their part to help. We collectively love you humans and appreciate all the extra walks. 😊

-Franklin Delano Roosevelt Gershberg Ritacco

A Letter from Luna Schorr — Goooood afternoon. It’s me. Luna! How ya doin? Well it’s certainly been so nice having my hoomans here wif me. ALL the time. They let me eats lots of snacks. all day. And some days. we go for a walk…and just when I’m settling in afterwards…they surprise me. With another walk.


I also make them throw my stuffed fren. up and down the hall. and I chase it and bring it back over. and over. and over. And over.

The hoomans don’t know this. but I secretly hid half a carrot in the backyard. I am happy to report I went back and checked this morning. and it was still there. Minding its business. 

At the end of the day. the hoomans watch the news. on the big box in the living room. And when they watch, they get a little sad. and a little scared. But don’t worry. I make sure to give them a cuddle so they feel better.

I know they get a little mad. When I bark in the middle of the night. But it’s just cause I sometimes hear a leaf fall. Off a tree. And I want to protect them from it.

The only weird thing. Is they all keep asking me questions. Who is the best dog? Who is the greatest dog? Who do they love more than anything else? I keep telling them. I know the answer is me. But they keep asking anyway…strange...

Well. I’m sure you all have a lot going on right now. I just want to remind you. You’re doing great. And I love you.

An update from Molly! I’m pleased to announce I finally wore my husband down and we are adding a dog to the Allen-Tuesca family! Our Labradoodle baby is due May 14 and should be coming home to us mid-July! We won’t know until late June if we are getting a boy or girl or what color, etc. but we have started a “Name Jar” at our house and welcome your suggestions. So far, my kids like Lucy, Rookie, and Abraham Lincoln. Click here to submit your vote! 

I’ll post photos when we have them but here is a snapshot of a past litter 😍

I’ll post photos when we have them but here is a snapshot of a past litter 😍

ICYMI: John Krasinski and Some Good News threw a prom for the class of 2020! Check it out here!

Also, check out these live streams where you can watch panda bears, ride a roller coaster and listen to Opera music all from the comfort of your own coach! (honestly, where else do you have to go?)

We Miss you!

Hello again, and happy...*checks calendar*... yes, Friday! 

So, a whole moon has passed since we began teleworking. By now you’ve likely settled into your new WFH routine, completed your onboarding for homeschool teaching, and considered (or gone through with) buying a bidet. But something feels missing, right? We’re all mourning the obvious things like a face-to-face conversation, old routines, toilet paper, etc. But perhaps there’s something unexpected that you took for granted that you now yearn for. 

For one 93-year-old woman, that thing was beer.  Olive is all of us right now.

This weekend, we hope you will find a way to satisfy your craving for the thing you miss most (while still staying safe and social distancing). Need some suggestions? That’s what we’re here for: 

1.) If what you’re missing is getting inundated with requests from fundraisers...

Take our quick survey! We have four clients that have primaries this quarter:

Kurt Schrader (OR-5) - May 19
Xochitl Torres Small (NM-2) - June 2 (Frontline Member)
Sanford Bishop (GA-2) - June 9 (rescheduled from May 19)
Anthony Brindisi (NY-22) - June 23 (Frontline Member)

We’d love to hear how you are handling PAC contributions during this time and whether or not you can help these Members. 

2.) If what you’re missing is Saturday Brunch with your pals...

Pick up some of DC’s finest bagels at the new Call Your Mother in Capitol Hill! Ok, it may not be bottomless brunch, but you probably already have mimosa fixings at home. And while you’re at it, actually pick up the phone and call your Mother! 

3.) If what you’re missing is spending a day at the library...

Bring the library to you! Capitol Hill Books is sending mystery boxes of books to anyone who inquires. Just email info@capitolhillbooks-dc.com with your price limit and your favorite authors/genres and they’ll send you a box. Madison’s box came in the mail this week, here’s what she got:


Team MAA missed out on the madness of managing our time during End of Quarter last month, so we’ve been filling that void with puzzles. Even Sonny Ritacco has joined in on the fun!






No matter what you’re yearning for, we could all use a good, warm chocolate chip cookie right about now. Lexi made these Salted Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies from a NYTimes Recipe. Here it is if you want to try them yourself

(spoiler - they are INCREDIBLE!):


  • 4 ounces/113 grams unsalted butter at room temperature

  • ½ cup/120 milliliters tahini, well stirred

  • 1 cup/200 grams granulated sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons/150 grams all-purpose flour, or matzo cake meal (See tip)

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • ½ teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 1 ¾ cups/230 grams chocolate chips or chunks, bittersweet or semisweet

  •  Flaky salt, like fleur de sel or Maldon

In an electric mixer, mix the butter, tahini and sugar at medium speed until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Add egg, egg yolk and vanilla and continue mixing at medium speed for another 5 minutes.

Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and kosher salt into a large bowl and mix with a fork. Add flour mixture to butter mixture at low speed until just combined. Use a rubber spatula to fold in chocolate chips. Dough will be soft, not stiff. Refrigerate at least 12 hours.

When ready to bake, heat oven to 325 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or nonstick baking mat. Use a large ice cream scoop or spoon to form dough into 12 to 18 balls.  

Place the cookies on the baking sheet at least 3 inches apart to allow them to spread. Bake 13 to 16 minutes until just golden brown around the edges. As cookies come out of the oven, sprinkle sparsely with salt.

- I sadly did not take any photos but here’s a photo from the NYTimes Cooking Page! 


Until next time!

-Team MAA

Happy Quarantini-versary!


Happy one month quarantini-versary, everyone! One of our team members celebrated that milestone in style this weekend by getting engaged! We want to say a wholehearted congratulations to both Jacob and Kristy for their huge news. Though the engagement did not take place at Disney World as Jacob had initially planned, they could not wait a second longer and made do with a dance in their living room and a Disney movie instead. We hope you’ll join us in wishing Jacob and Kristy a happily ever after.

This week, we are bringing you a three-course quarantine meal (Spoiler Alert: two of the courses are dessert!) as well as our recommendations for some podcasts to enjoy.

Before we entertain you with our regularly scheduled programming of fun videos and delicious recipes, we would like to take a second to highlight some important upcoming dates. We have four clients that have primaries in the coming months:

  • Kurt Schrader (OR-5) - May 19

  • Xochitl Torres Small (NM-2) - June 2 (Frontline Member)

  • Sanford Bishop (GA-2) - June 9 (rescheduled from May 19)

  • Anthony Brindisi (NY-22) - June 23 (Frontline Member)

We hope you can take a minute and click here to fill out this survey to give us your feedback about how you are handling PAC giving in these WFH days and consider whether you can help these Members.

To thank you for helping our amazing clients, here is ADORABLE live camera footage of the new cheetah cubs at the Smithsonian Zoo: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/webcams/cheetah-cub-cam


Podcast Recommendations - 

Podcasts are a great way to stay up to date on the news of the day but they are also the perfect escape. Unfortunately, it is very easy to get overwhelmed by the options as there seems to be a never-ending amount of podcasts about, well, everything, including even a podcast about podcasts (this does exist… I am as surprised as you are!!) To help you navigate this world, the MAA team has put together a list our recommendations - 

  • Revisionist History from Malcolm Gladwell

  • Hidden Brain from NPR (Hosted by Shankar Vedantam)

  • It’s Been a Minute from NPR (Hosted by Sam Sanders)

  • Who Run the World Playlist on Spotify - stories of inspiring women during Women’s History Month 

  • Work in Progress w/ Sophia Bush 

  • Still Processing from NYT (Most recent episode examines Tiger King. Please check out if you, like the team at MAA, have been fascinated by that docuseries!)

Quarantine Cuisine - 

It has been one whole month since we have all been able to eat out and enjoy the fine cuisine at some of our favorite restaurants in DC. We at MAA don’t want to leave you without delicious eats during this time so we have pulled together a few recipes to ensure that you have colorful, captivating quarantine cuisine. Please enjoy!

Meatloaf by Madison - 

I made a delicious meatloaf loosely based on this recipe for italian meatballs. Here’s how absurd it looked like before I glazed and baked it....just a meat potato. I did not take an after pic, unfortunately. Serves 2-3. 

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1lb ground beef

1 small onion, minced

1 large egg

4 tbsp breadcrumbs

2 tsp Italian seasoning? (I did not measure)

1/4 tsp garlic powder? (Again, I did not measure)

Dash of chili flakes

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 450

  2. Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Gently mix by hand until thoroughly combined. Shape into a loaf and place on a greased baking sheet.

  3. With a spoon or a basting brush, glaze the loaf with ketchup or your favorite sauce (I used a mixture of ketchup, tomato paste, and chili flakes for spice)

  4. Bake for 18-20 minutes.

  5. Let the meatloaf rest for 5 minutes before serving. Serve with more ketchup or shredded parmesan cheese. 




For the cream filling - 

4 large egg yolks

¾ cup of heavy cream

1 cup of mascarpone

½ cup of granulated sugar

2 cups of espresso or strong coffee

1 tablespoon of rum

2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder

24 ladyfingers


  1. Whisk together (using an electric mixer if you own one) the egg yolks and ¼ cup of sugar in a medium bowl. Do this until the liquid is very pale yellow and tripled in volume. Put this aside.

  2. Whisk together cream and remaining sugar in a separate bowl until it creates soft-medium peaks. Then add mascarpone and continue to whisk until it is soft. The liquid may be slightly lumpy if you do not own an electric mixer, but don’t worry too much about that. It still ends up delicious. Then gently fold the mixture into the sweetened egg yolks until combined.

  3. Using a sifter (if you do not have a sifter, you can use a cheese grater), dust the bottom of a baking dish (use a dish that is fairly deep to fit the tiramisu) with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.

  4. Combine coffee and rum in a shallow bowl. Then one at a time, quickly dip both sides of each ladyfinger into the coffee and place them at the bottom of the baking dish. They will fall apart if you keep them in the coffee for more than a second so dip very quickly then remove. Do this with half of your ladyfingers, putting them onto your baking dish to create the bottom layer.

  5. Spread half the mascarpone mixture onto the ladyfingers in one even layer. Then add the other half of the coffee-dipped ladyfingers on top and then finally another layer of mascarpone mixture.

  6. Dust the top of this with the remaining tablespoon of cocoa powder. Cover with plastic wrap and then let this chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. You can also leave it overnight. Then enjoy!

5 Ingredient Banana Bread Muffins -


2 cups of oats

3 bananas

2 eggs

¾ cup dates or figs

1 teaspoon baking soda

Not necessary but i usually toss in a pinch of salt & cinnamon


  1. preheat oven to 350

  2. grease muffin tin

  3. mix all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth

  4. pour batter into muffin tin

  5. top with whatever you want! My suggestions: chocolate chips, blueberries, strawberries, cacao nibs, walnuts, or pecans

  6. Bake 15-20 min

We hope that this cooking explosion helps to brighten your kitchen during these times!

Finally, if you are missing our members as much as we are please check out this tweet to find out which Senator is your quarantine partner! 

In case you were wondering, here are our partners:

Molly - Tammy Duckworth

Hannah - Ted Cruz

Jacob - Deb Fisher

Madison - Catherine Cortez Masto

Haley - Rob Portman

Lexi - Jeanne Shaheen

Isaac - Gary Peters

Rebecca - Michael Bennet

Have an amazing week!


I’m Home. Are You Home?

We’ve made it to another weekend!! We hope you are settling into some semblance of a WFH routine, and have some time this weekend to relax a bit! Here are a few things to make you laugh, help you de-stress, and get you and your families through another stay-at-home weekend. We’ve even included Molly’s full guide to quarantine haircuts!

First check out this Quarantine Remix with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake!


An artist in Toronto, Canada started a website to celebrate and showcase the work of the many artists around the world who have been affected by the need for social distancing. “The Social Distancing Festival” features music, paintings, photography, dance, and other incredible art forms that up-and-coming artists have been unable to share with the world. Check it out here! (They even have a discussion board where you can connect with artists, and they call it “The Beer Tent” - just like a real festival! 😂)

Recipes from our favorite DC spots!

This website compiled recipes (food, desserts, AND drinks) from some of our favorite restaurants in DC! Think popovers from BLT Steak or a margarita from Oyamel. They’ve even linked the DC Virtual Tip Jar to remind you to support bartenders and servers from your most frequented local spots.

Molly’s Quarantine Haircuts 101:

It’s time for a haircut! By now, you are probably long overdue. Scruffy neck, hair in your eyes. My boys were starting to look like Where The Wild Things Are.

See before picture:

Social Distancing at Catoctin Mountain Park

Social Distancing at Catoctin Mountain Park

My husband bought a haircut kit several years ago and has regularly given our boys cuts. Turns out that skill set he’s been building has really come in handy now that barbershops and salons are closed! And I can now add cutting my husband’s hair to my list of accomplishments and… drum roll… I let him cut mine! And we are still married!! Read on for our tips.


Clippers - Our kit is not amazing quality (purchased at Costco, pictured below) but it has a ton of guards (more on that later) and two trimmers. You can find something just like this on Amazon and I’m sure they will be higher quality than what we use. 

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Scissors - After cutting my husband’s hair, I just added some new scissors to our Amazon cart for our next round of cuts. Time for an upgrade on equipment to something with sharper blades.

Equinox Professional Shears Razor Edge Series - Barber Hair Cutting Scissors/Shears - 6.5 Inches - Japanese Stainless Steel Hair Scissors

Texture/thinning Shears - We bought something like these a year or so ago because my older son has crazy thick hair and needs us to cut out the bulk and my stylist encouraged us to buy them because they are so easy to use. She was right! After my husband cut my hair, I actually did some additional touch ups off the top of my own cut - easy! 

Professional Hair Thinning Scissors Texturizing Teeth Shears Salon Razor Edge Scissor with Adjustable Tension and Finger Inserts - 6.5 Inch - by Utopia Care

Gown - If you can get one with your kit, perfect. If not, add it. Easier with any mess and clean up.

Spray bottle - Basic.

Set up:

My husband used to set up the boys in the garage but since I was the newest customer (and barber), I decided we needed more light. We brought our kitchen stool up to our master bathroom for better light, mirror, water, etc. Just add a propped up iPad for the kids’ turn and you’re set!

I went first. I found this video and it really helped with some good tips that were familiar to me after years of short cuts so many of these tips are really good for men or women. Plus, honestly, I’m not going anywhere these days, am I? Who is going to analyze my hair on my Zoom call if he made any mistakes? NBD!

Cutting my husband’s hair was much harder for me because his hair is curly and we didn’t just go straight buzz cut. Please please please make sure you have real scissors for hair. Not only will you butcher your customer if you use kitchen scissors, but you may cut yourself (this is not a comment from our most recent cut, just a past experience and no, I don’t want to talk about it). Anyway, my husband coached me through the steps and I have a new-found respect for barbers. Back to the guards on the clippers - his coaching was specifically on which guard to use when, how, where, etc. We started with a 3 on the sides and I used the angled ear guards for each side, which definitely made things easier. This was literally my first time using clippers so for my first time, I’d recommend a YouTube video if you don’t have a very clear communicator like my husband. This is a short clip that sums things up nicely but there are ample examples on YouTube.

The boys were old hat for Tony; however, this is now your chance to let your kids do something fun! I mean, I don’t have to worry about getting them dressed up this Sunday for our virtual Easter service, do I? And I think Clark looks pretty rad. We call this his Corona cut, in true middle child style.

Now my daughter is asking for stripes in her hair…

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And now for Madison’s Gardening Corner!

Here’s the dirt: like many Millennials, I’ve been collecting houseplants since college. Have I always been successful? No. But learning how to troubleshoot and revive your plant baby is half the fun! One of my new obsessions is the House Plant Journal blog and instagram account created by Darryl Cheng. He has one of the most impressive collections of houseplants on the internet, and he offers insight into how to care for every type of plant. Definitely worth a follow! I also highly recommend his book “The New Plant Parent.” It is a comprehensive and holistic look at how plants grow in homes versus nurseries or the wild. Here are my 3 takeaways:

  1. Light is the most important factor for plant survival! As we all learned in middle school biology, light is food for plants, without which they will die. Although some plants, like snake plants, will tolerate life in a dark corner, they will not thrive. You want to provide your plant with as much of a view of the sky as possible. If you need to brighten up a dark corner with greenery, opt for a fake plant instead.

  2. Your watering schedule should depend on your light levels. The more light a plant gets, the faster it will use up water. This means that your watering schedule should change from summer to winter as light levels decrease. A good rule of thumb is to check the soil and water only when the top inch is completely dry. 

  3. Aerating the soil is as important as watering! It loosens the soil and brings oxygen to the roots. Worms and other critters do this for plants in the wild, but it’s our job as plant parents to do it for our babies. Cheng suggests that before every other watering you should take a chopstick or pencil and gently poke holes in the soil around the plant. 

New to plant parenting? The best plants for beginners, in my opinion, are those that tell you when they need watered. The leaves of pothos, spider plants, and prayer plants start to droop and lose color as their soil dries out, letting you know it’s bath time! Do not buy a fern...trust me. Whichever plant you choose, I beleaf in you! You grow, girl!

If you liked this post, please give it two green thumbs up :)


With another weekend of beautiful weather (which I enjoyed from the open windows of my apartment) behind us, we are starting to hit a groove with this whole quarantine thing. We hope you are as well! To help you through the next week, here are some music recommendations, workout ideas, and fun tidbits from around the internet!


I’m sorry, but I feel like we need to get to know each other a little bit better… please tell us which quarantine house you like best!

Here’s where our staff landed with their preferences:

House 2: Molly, Jaime, Jacob, Haley, Lexi, & Rebecca

House 3: Hannah

House 4: Isaac

House 6: Madison

 Now onto your normally scheduled programming!


Goats Rioting in Wales

While all of us work from home and glance outside to the beautiful cherry blossoms, folks in a North Wales village are looking outside to find Mountain Goats are taking over. If you need a laugh, just scroll through the article to see the pictures, trust me!


Workout Ideas

I know that I’m allowed to go outside to grocery shop and go for a run, but what if I want to do something other than cardio and stay inside? That’s what we’ve been thinking about recently so here are some ideas to pass along!

 Songs, Playlists, and Albums

Friends, thank you for joining us at the MAA Blog. This is DJ Thunder, taking you through the smoothest tunes. As we navigate through the storm, we are now a full week into April. We appreciate your texts and emails, we’ll get through this together. Keep sending your kind messages and requests, our phones and emails are open for you to send the love. Jacob@MollyAllenAssociates.com - email me.

Coming up, we will shelter you from the storm with the smooth sounds of Frank Ocean, new flames from Weeknd, and warm vocals from Beyonce.

As always, check us out every Tuesday and Friday as we kick off the fourth week of the most selective, most soothing blog that appears in your inbox.

Again, this is DJ Thunder hoping you are safe, warm, and in the loving embrace of your home and out of the storm. This is MAA Radio:

In need of new music? Check out the new album from the Weeknd, After Hours, which is a great combo of new experimental production, mixed with the melodies and themes that made his first album so good.

Need a work from home playlist? You’re in luck, try one of these Spotify playlists or make your own. Just make sure “Work from Home” by Fifth Harmony is included!


Shop With Small Businesses

We love to highlight new and creative ways to give back during this pandemic. A new effort to connect DC small businesses struggling under COVID-19 with consumers sheltering at home is now live. ShopInPlaceDC.com is currently live and welcomes submissions from D.C.-area small businesses selling products such as food, fitness, bath and cleaning products, books, toys and more.


Thank you again for reading and getting through this “storm” with us. We hope you enjoy the blog and everything it has to offer, and that your and your loved ones are staying safe.


All the best,

Jacob aka DJ Thunder

Some Good News

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Check out John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” for a smile and maybe even some much needed happy tears. I’m not crying. You’re crying.

In preparation for another stay-at-home weekend, we thought we’d share some of Team MAA’s music, book, and streaming recommendations. We’ve also included a couple of ways to give back to the community during this time!


  • The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin - Explores the line between destiny and choice through intersecting stories of four siblings who are each told the exact date they will die by a fortune teller.

  • I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara - A must read for anyone interested in true crime. This book follows journalist Michelle McNamara's search to identify one of the most notorious criminals, the Golden State Killer. McNamara passed away before the book was published, but many credit her work as playing an extremely important role in identifying the killer.

The Hobbit (BBC Radio Performance Audiobook) - Actors from across the UK took part in an adaptation of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien in vocal performance. Highly recommend for any Fantasy or Lord of the Ring fans.


  • Who? Weekly - A entertaining listen for when you need a break from the news. Breaks down Hollywood into the “Thems” vs. “Whos” and explores all the celebrities you don’t know.


  • 3.15.20, Album by Childish Gambino - Donald Glover (a.k.a. Childish Gambino) released a surprise album.

  • Have a Great Day, playlist on Spotify - The perfect soundtrack for teleworking.


Check out these binge-worthy shows and movies that feature some of our clients’ districts:

  • Big Little Lies  - Set in Monterey, California (Jimmy Panetta, CA-20)

  • Grace and Frankie  - Set in San Diego, California (Scott Peters, CA-52)

  • 10 Things I Hate About You -  Filmed at Stadium High School in Takoma, Washington (Derek Kilmer, WA-6)

  • Almost Famous - Set in San Diego, California (Scott Peters, CA-52)


Here are two ways to support local bookstores without having to go outside!

Many lives have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 crisis, and if you’re like me, you’ve been trying to figure out the best way to help our community here in the DMV.  Should you want to take action beyond practicing social distancing, here are some local organizations doing amazing work right now on behalf of those the coronavirus outbreak is hitting hardest:

Nonprofit Martha’s Table has pledged more than $300,000 to assist local families and is distributing $15-per-day grocery-store gift cards. In addition, the organization is delivering online educational material so kids can keep learning from home. For more information or to make a donation, visit www.marthastable.org.

DC’s Virtual Tip Jar - Reproductive rights advocate and organizer Ana Owens and her girlfriend Katie Gentsch, a bartender at Franklin Hall and King Street Oyster Bar, have set up a “virtual tip jar” so that people can directly Venmo or PayPal bartenders and servers at their favorite DC establishments. A public spreadsheet lists the names of workers, where they are (or were) employed, and how to send them some extra cash.

Hook Hall is distributing care kits and family meals daily from 6-9 PM for industry workers in the DC area. They also created a Worker’s Relief Fund to support restaurant and food service industry workers who need assistance during this time.

A group of third-year medical students at Georgetown University organized a movement called MedSupplyDrive, which is dedicated to getting PPE to healthcare workers and first responders. They have set up a website with information about how to donate masks and other in-demand items like bleach, non-latex gloves, and even rain ponchos and bandanas.


Imperfect Foods Grocery Delivery Service - Helps to eliminate food waste by delivering groceries and produce that would otherwise be thrown out due to surplus, and because of this, it is much cheaper than food sold at grocery stores! Use this link here.

And of course, continue to try to support your local restaurants and local businesses with donations and gift cards. See if they have an online retail presence where you can purchase the same or similar goods. Buy gift cards for your favorite restaurants and order take-out if that option remains available. And if you get things delivered, consider tipping a little extra. :)


J.K. Rowling launched “Harry Potter at Home” a new website that has free access to the first audiobook and plenty of articles and reading to explore more about the Harry Potter Universe. You can test your knowledge with a quiz or watch a video to learn how to draw a Niffler. Check it out here!

And finally, Molly’s kids would be OVER THE MOON if you’d click on their YouTube video with their new puppet series. It will make their weekend!!

Have a good one - be safe and be well!

- Team MAA

Pianos, Plants & Puns

Did you have a great socially-distant weekend? Great! So did we! Now that it’s week three, it’s time to give some thought to your home set up. Here are some tips for working from home that we found quite helpful:

Adapting to your new environment

Tips on Teleworking


Snacking Tips
Wine Subscriptions

How did the piano get out of jail? Read to the end for the answer! I recently purchased a keyboard and have slowly been teaching myself out how to play since I’ve become homebound. The best app I’ve come across to help with my new piano hobby is Flowkey. They have great courses on the foundations of the piano to get you started. I have really enjoyed the video tutorials for popular and fun songs. Each video goes through the sheet music and also shows a recording of someone playing the song. So, you can learn a song without knowing how to read music!

- Rebecca


Get Some New Plant Babies!

If you're anything like me, being stuck in your house all day produces a high level of anxiety that comes with a feeling of lack of control. But if we have to stay inside, we might as well make the most of it. Purchasing and taking care of my house plants has always helped me ease my anxiety. Not only do they improve the overall air condition of your house by removing toxins in the air, but there is a sense of gratitude that comes with not killing a succulent you’ve purchased from Trader Joe's -- you controlled the situation and you won! Other studies have shown that house plants also have additional benefits for combatting anxiety and:

  • Improve reaction times

  • Increase attentiveness

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Improve attendance

  • Improve well-being

  • Raise productivity

  • Improve perception

  • Lower levels of anxiety

  • Decrease mild depression

  • Increase self-satisfaction

    So, if you're looking to start a house plant collection and are worried you might not have the greenest thumb, your safest bet is to start with a pothos plant. You really have to try hard to kill these little guys! Other plants that are great for beginners include:

  • Succulents

  • Philodendrons

  • ZZ plants

  • Snake plants

  • Money plants

    The #1 tip for all of these plants is simple: stop over-watering. Pick a day of the week that is watering day and stick to that schedule! If the soil is still wet on that day then that's fine, just wait another week! The best thing you can do for your plants is to stop drowning them and pay attention to their needs. Most of these beginner plants are very forgiving as long as you listen to their needs and learn what makes them thrive.

    Even if your state has closed all essential businesses, the great news is Home Depot and other home improvement stores are still open. You can also do mail-order plants from The Sill. Enjoy!
     - Haley


Snacking at Home

Jacob here to talk about food- namely, snacking. Between stocking up on food to limit my exposure outside and not bringing lunch to the office every day, my pantry has been a treasure trove of good eats. While that is great for the soul, it is not great for the waistline and begs the question, "How do I stop snacking now that I'm working from home?" Well, even though I haven't conquered my cravings 100% of the time, I have some creative tips! 

1. Allow yourself to snack 

This doesn't mean eating all of the Oreo's in the package in one sitting (as much as we would all love to)... Instead, figure out how much of your preferred snack is an appropriate amount to eat and allow yourself to enjoy that snack once a day. You shouldn't feel guilty unless you are overindulging or eating something that you should be avoiding. One bonus: you get to tell yourself (and your cravings) that you ate the food you wanted. :)

2. Buy health(ier) snacks 

I don't have a huge sweet tooth but all these changes in work environments have been changing up my palate, apparently. My biggest craving was chocolate chip cookies and milk. I recently found a company that sells cookies and other sweets that are loaded up with protein and other good nutrients. Now, instead of thick and powdery protein bars I am having a chocolate chip cookie after my workouts, and getting the same nutrients as before! It's a small change that helped my snack cravings later in the day. Check out Lenny and Larry's sweet products at https://www.lennylarry.com/ 

3. Cheat/reward meals are necessary 

While we would all love for it to be easy to eat healthy all the time, it's not. Allow yourself that cheat meal to get rid of your cravings. Plan that meal in advance, so it's something to look forward to and use it as a tool to help hold yourself accountable (like a reward for not eating pizza for lunch/dinner every day). Doing this has allowed me to dial in on what cheat meals I actually want, and which I just want in the moment of hunger. 

I hope these strategies will help make your food last longer and keep those cravings in check!

- Jacob

Wine puns. They’re always in pour taste.

Are you looking for a way to try out new wines from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than the Grape Intentions Monthly Wine Subscription.

  • Founded by a DC-based sommelier. You take a quiz to determine your taste preferences and then choose from 3 different price levels (Good, Gooder, Goodest). The best part is that a portion of your monthly payment goes towards a charity of your choice (many DC-based). 


Check this out! Delish's editorial director Joanna Saltz and her kids will be going live on Instagram every weekday at 1 pm EST to share cook-along videos for you and your little ones!

Parenting in the age of Coronavirus: Enroll in PEP’s free online course today to learn how a few key strategies to provide structure and set realistic expectations for you and your kids. They’ll also be answering your questions!

Thanks for all your feedback! Have a great week and we’ll be back on Friday with our next installment.

- Team MAA

Answer: With its keys!

Lexi and Luna!

Lexi and Luna!

It's Fri-Yay!

YOU MADE IT! The end of another week. Huzzah! As you hold your millionth conference or Zoom call of the week, see if you can crack this fun quiz: Name The Senator!


We are pleased to announce the arrival of Ellis George Ritacco! He arrived on Tuesday, March 24 at 4:23 a.m. weighing in at 6 pounds, 2 ounces. He is thriving, smiling, loves his family and is eating great! Big brother Sonny is very proud, as are mom and dad. (If you were following our office gambling ring, Madison won!).


Mo Willems Daily Doodles

British Sports Commentator on Daily Life

Security Guard Tweets from Cowboy Museum

- Binge-worthy shows:

  • Molly’s picks: Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, Outlander

  • Hannah’s picks: Succession, Below Deck, and my husband and I started through the Harry Potter movies 6 days ago. Not sure what we’ll do after we hit #7… 

  • Haley’s picks: Tiger King on Netflix. Absolutely WILD story. Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu - but read the book by Celeste Ng first!

  • Isaac’s picks: Fleabag on Amazon Prime as well as Great British Bake Off on Netflix. The Office has proved very soothing so far.


Let’s face it, we are all experiencing some ups and downs. This is an excellent read to help unpack those feelings.

I’m reading way too much about homeschooling kids or scary statistics, so taking up MEDITATION is my new go-to and, let’s face it, I probably needed the advice in this article anyway. I plan to check out this app that was originally started for kids and young adults - mindfulness can go a long way for kids feeling too cooped up as well! Another office favorite on this list is Insight Timer.

Another amazing thing for your mental health is EXERCISE! These two neighbors of Molly’s in Kensington are incredible personal trainers. Kellie Redmond is the cross country and track coach at Wootton High School in addition to other fitness instruction and training. Check out Kellie's instagram for some free workouts. She will also do private Zoom training so reach out to her to set something up! Kristine Oleson does dance cardio, which sounds easy, but it will give you the most intense workout! After you create a free profile, there are three free 15-minute classes you can download. Do one, two or all three. You will be sore and can brag about that to your friends for at least one day. Enjoy!

Thank you for all the kind notes about our first blog! Wow! That felt awesome. We’d love to keep connecting so please send more notes and let us know how you are doing. Because we are all in this together.

Until next time!

