Meet Jacob!

While you get ready to enjoy the long weekend, and goodness knows we all could use a day off, here’s a great link to remember what this weekend is about and here’s another one on how to share it with your kids. And of course, for the unofficial start of summer, here are some recipes. I usually wait for Flag Day to put up my bunting, but really, why wait? These babies are going up early this year!!


I stopped to do the math and realized MAA is in our 15th year! Wow - time flies! One of the things I love about what I do is getting to hire great people who are at the beginning of their careers. They typically come straight from college or a campaign, and MAA is often their first, or one of their first, office experiences. As you all know, networking is a big part of your career growth, relationships and friendships in DC. I know we will be back at it soon enough but for now, there is a whole generation of up and comers who cannot network right now. So, let me introduce you to my amazing team! I am blessed to have a great group working at MAA. They are motivated, hardworking and genuinely joyful about their work. What more could I ask for in these challenging times??

So, here is the first Friday installation of 20 Questions with MAA Person of the Week. I hope you’ll be open to taking their calls or emails when they reach out about the great work we are trying to do!

Jacob McIntosh - Director at MAA

  1. What is the one thing you cannot resist?

    Food. Or a good time!

  2. What is your greatest fear?

    Falling from a tall building.

  3. Where is your favorite place to be?

    With my family. Anywhere.

  4. Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

    Portland, OR because it’s like no other city I’ve been to and once you get outside of the city, I love how green, natural and beautiful it is.

  5. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

    I was the public address announcer for my college hockey team.

  6. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

    Mayor of Main Street USA at Disney World.

  7. Any favorite line from a movie?

    Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one.” – Up

  8. Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

    I have a ‘We the People’ tattoo on my left arm in the same font as the Constitution.

  9. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  10. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

    Art, particularly drawing and painting.

  11. What are 3 words you’d use to describe MAA?

    Fun, innovative creators!

  12. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

    Go to Disney World!

  13. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

    Cooking or playing a video game with my fiancé Kristy.

  14. What is something you learned in the last week?

    The importance of being able to show others how much you care, because it’s a lot harder right now and you have to put more effort into it.

  15. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

    Playing ice hockey – indoors or outdoors!

  16. What is the first concert you attended?

    A Bluegrass festival in Flagstaff, AZ when I was 16.

  17. What music is on your iPhone/Android phone?

    A lot of Dave Matthews Band, pop, rap and country.

  18. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

    Laundry! So luckily, Kristy does most of it.

  19. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

    Steve Jobs.

  20. How do you balance your career and family?

    With constant communication.

    BONUS: What do you miss most about being in the office?

    Being around people!

Same, Jacob! Same!!!!

We will leave you with this favorite clip of the week - a 1st grader’s joke booth. May you find your own joke booths this weekend and if not, make one happen!