Now that we’re in month four of being home, we’ve been turning to some new (and old!) hobbies to occupy our bodies and our minds. We like to think of it as a silver lining to this challenging situation that we have time to explore some new interests and revisit some former passions!
Lexi: I’ve gotten very good at 500 piece puzzles! Never really been a puzzle person before this, but I have found it is a great way to unwind after the workday, and I feel so accomplished when I finish!
Madison: I used to make bread for my dining co-op in college, but stopped because it’s just so time consuming. Now that I have all this time at home I’ve taken it back up, and I’ve been teaching my boyfriend how to make it. Here’s a recipe for a basic crusty loaf if you’d like to try it yourself! My final product:
Hannah: I’ve taken up tennis again. Last time I played was 17 years ago, and turns out it’s kind of like riding a bike - once you’ve learned you don’t forget it. And while my swing is a little rusty, it’s been great to get out of the house to play. It’s the ultimate physically-distant activity. I also tried needlepoint, but it didn’t take. I’m too impatient!
Jaime: Legos! My 3 ½ year-old, Sonny, was starting to get bored with the big duplo-type blocks, so we made the switch to real Legos and I forgot how much fun they are! We’ve done some really cool builds and I actually find it quite relaxing (let’s face it, Sonny is really the supervisor while I am the worker). His favorite so far has been Moana’s boat, which he was kind enough to share with his tummy time-ing, drooling baby brother. My favorite is a little toaster that really pops up!
Jacob: I’m growing green onions! Super easy and hoping this is the first plant to successfully live more than two weeks in my home.
Molly: With work getting busier and busier, I have less time for my favorite hobby, painting, but I am still following some amazing painters and teachers online! There are so many classes you can now take virtually and I took a great one from Art By Megan. I also follow Amanda Evanston and she has some great tips on starter supplies here and here. You can get all of your supplies on Amazon or other art suppliers and there are so many ways to start slow with either a watercolor kit or a starter acrylic set. I haven’t been brave enough to dabble too much with oils but that’s next on my list!