Get Out The Vote!

lend a hand

We are off to a great start with our first non-profit fundraising drive! Every month, we are adopting a non-profit and hoping to direct some financial support their way. This month, we have adopted SMYAL (pronounced “smile”)! SMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders) supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region. 

MAA is doing matching gifts so we hope you will consider giving $100, $50, $25 or even $10 to help us meet our goal of raising $1,000 this month. Click here to give now!


With less than 7 weeks until Election Day, we wanted to highlight some ways we are getting involved. From volunteering at the polls, to remote phone-banking and more, read below to find out how we (and you) can get involved!

Volunteering at the Polls

About a month ago, I signed up to be a poll-worker with DC Elections, and less than 48 hours after that, I was signed up for a training shift in Navy Yard. Here are the two biggest things I learned, among many others: 1) Poll-workers are expected to work the entirety of Election Day and most locations do not close until 11pm-1am (please vote by mail and/or early), and 2) this year there will be pull-up voting for the elderly and anyone with a disability. I’m really happy that DC is making strides to improve turnout- including their plan to mail everyone a ballot.

In November, I will be working check-in at the polls. As folks come in, I will check their name against the polls and help direct them to the correct ballot line. As simple as it sounds, it’s a bit more lengthy of a process than you would think and there are countless rules to keep in mind. Back when I signed up, there was a shortage of poll-workers, but recently the District has announced that they have secured more than enough volunteers for 2020. Usually, I would be knocking doors or making calls on Election Day, but this year I am excited to help make a difference at the polls! - Jacob

Virtual Phone Banking

After watching the Dem Convention I was motivated to do my part to take back the White House! The good news is that there’s SO many opportunities to phone/text bank virtually and so many swing states that need the help. Last weekend I made phone calls for the Wisconsin Dems from the comfort of my bed, and this weekend I plan to do some text banking for Georgia’s Fair Fight Action. Here’s the link to sign up if you want to join me! - Madison

Reach out to friends & family!

Whenever I have time, I try to text a couple people and ask them if they have registered to vote and made a voting plan. I find that it’s most helpful to provide them with all the details possible (like registration deadlines and early voting information). Also, if you know what state they vote in, go ahead and send them the link to their Department of Elections website. It only takes a couple of minutes to send a text and you could be the reason they remember to request an absentee ballot! - Rebecca

Check out this helpful guide below from FiveThirtyEight with state-by-state tips!


Zoom Etiquette

From work meetings, to virtual events, to school, to online happy hours, most of us are spending a good portion of our day on Zoom. While we are probably all getting comfortable using Zoom we want to make sure some of us aren’t getting too comfortable with it! Here are some tips and tricks for Zoom etiquette we think we probably all need a refresher on: 

  1. MUTE YOURSELF! And if you’re setting up the Zoom meeting make sure to check “mute participants on entry”; it will make everyone’s lives a little bit easier. 

  2. Make sure to look at the camera when speaking - if you’re looking at yourself and that haircut you desperately need, instead of the people you’re talking to, everyone can definitely tell. 

  3. Don’t get distracted! If you need to get up and tend to a crying child or a visitor at the door, turn off your camera. We all understand. 

  4. Please don’t zoom and drive!

  5. We understand that not everyone has a Zoom background that would receive a 10/10 on Room Rater but you can always use a virtual background or blur your background! 

  6. No eating! We understand that meetings and events are now taking place at all hours of the day without a commute to worry about, but chomping away while forcing others to watch is not a good look. 

  7. Mind your chats. In case you haven’t learned by now, you can chat the whole group or select an individual to chat privately, but remember it’s a two-way street: keep an eye out for anyone trying to get in touch with you but don’t abuse the power and be the chat-clogger!