This week we celebrated International Women’s Day, and we’ve got an exciting baby bump announcement!
International women’s day
March 8th was International Women’s Day, and the theme this year was #ChooseToChallenge. In order to forge a gender equal world we must: “Celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality.”
In honor of International Women’s Day, London Kaye created this amazing crochet mural of VP Kamala Harris. The piece is down at the Wharf and will be there until Memorial Day.
Baby Bump ALERT
DC pre-vaccination link:
Congress ready to play ball again, after pandemic canceled 2020 season - Roll Call
F**k Z**m - A comedy fundraiser mourning a year of working on Z**m. Proceeds go to The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund!
Too much time at your desk?
I just took an aMAZing class this morning for mobility by fitness pro Kellie Redmond (also my friend and neighbor). She has a variety of zoom workouts (Core, Core+, Strength, HIIT) but I have to highlight her mobility class on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. - you won’t sweat so you can roll right into your work day but this is an amazing 30 minute hip opener and will help you get your posture and back in a better place. No contract, low commitment of $5 per class or package options if you want to become a regular! Sign up here! - Molly
Did you miss The Interview?
Don’t fret - you can still watch Oprah dismantle the British monarchy for free on but don’t wait too long - it will only be there for 30 days.
Food Inspiration
I made this last night and it might be my new favorite pasta dish! How could you go wrong with anything that has “creamy” and “parmesan” in the title?? 10/10 - Haley