Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter E for ELECTION DISTRACTION and the number 0 for days left in the 2020 Election cycle.
Well, we’ve finally made it and we hope we all have something to be thankful for after this is over. But in the meantime, we thought you’d enjoy some photos of things that didn’t suck in the past 12 months from Hannah’s wedding and honeymoon, Ellis’ birth, Jacob’s engagement, and more!
Real quick though - if you are a parent, I highly recommend this blog by my neighbor, Brent, who pens Designer Daddy: Parenting During A Pandemic: Building Resilience Amidst Chaos.
Also, here’s a really fun thing to kill some time with - make your own minifig in lego! I can’t vouch for the final product yet but I’m 100% building one for each my kids for Christmas.
Here’s to Election night bingo, breathing into a paper bag and saving the soul of our nation (nbd).
November 2019 - Hannah’s wedding!
December 2019 - wizards, magic, jedis and princesses
March 2020 - Ellis George Ritacco was born!
April 2020 - Jacob and Kristi got engaged!
serenity now - vacation scenes from this year (and some throwbacks)
And if these beautiful shots of and by our work family didn’t help, we offer you this NYT therapy session. Be well, people.